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Eastwood and District Motor Club Scenic Tour June 9th 2024

Me and my brother Michael spent an enjoyable day doing the EDMC scenic tour in Michael’s Peugeot 205 GTi. The tour started from Ruddington Transport Heritage Centre with a stop at Rutland Water Whitwell car Park for lunch and finished back at the Transport Heritage Centre. We signed on in the cafe at the Transport Heritage … Continue reading »

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The Roger Albert Clark 2023

It has taken me a few months to sit down and write this. Before the rally I knew that I would have trouble remembering what had happened each day so I decided to leave myself a series of voice notes summarising each day of the event, with my thoughts. I listened to those voice notes … Continue reading »

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Bye Bye Red Car

Due to the fact that we didn’t do any rallying in 2020 and the Red Car has not been out on a rally since I did the Corinium Stages in it, my Dad took the decision to sell it to someone who would make more use of it. I initially said I would buy it … Continue reading »

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A Summary of 2020 – Covid-19, Cancelled Plans and a New Peugeot 205

I think most people’s experience of motorsport in 2020 is probably fairly similar. We started off the year with a list of rallies that we would like to enter and ended the year wondering if we would ever rally in the same way as we had pre Covid-19. We didn’t compete at all in 2020, … Continue reading »

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The PokerStars November 2019

As we weren’t competing in the PokerStars rally we decided that we would offer our services as marshalls for the event. On a previous Manx National Rally we’d lost stages due to lack of marshalls so we thought we would do our bit to help out. Isle of Man event services booked our ferry and … Continue reading »

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The Corinium Stages 2019

After the Tour of Caerwent in March 2018 I had finished enough events as a driver and collected enough signatures on my MSA upgrade card to apply for a National A rally license.  I did this with great glee and was very pleased to receive the new license.  The Corinium stages which is run at … Continue reading »

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PokerStars 2018 – a more successful trip to the Isle of Man

After the disappointment of not getting to the start of the Manx National in May 2018 we decided to try again on the PokerStars rally in November. This time we entered in the blue Peugeot 205, with me in the co-drivers seat and my Dad driving. Our previous trips to the island have prepared me … Continue reading »

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Galway Summer Rally 2018

It had been 18 months since the blue Peugeot 205 XS (Betsy) had been out on a rally. The last event being the Hall Trophy rally in November 2016. She has been modified to compete in Ireland and the Galway summer rally was both mine and her first event over there. There were three stages, … Continue reading »

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Red Car. The highs and the lows.

Since the Red Car’s completion last summer we have entered five rallies in it. Three of them with me as the driver and two with my dad as the driver. Of the five rallies entered only three were finished…the ones with me as driver. My dad is now starting to take this personally. The red … Continue reading »

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Tour of Caerwent 2018

The Tour of Caerwent fitted quite nicely into my rallying plans for this year and is only an hours travel from home, so was a good choice for my third event as a driver. Before submitting my entry I watched some YouTube video’s from previous years and was pretty excited at the idea of doing … Continue reading »

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